Horoscope Libra October 2024 – astrological advice

Fair, compassionate, harmonious and intelligent Horoscope Libra October 2024 – personal forecast from astrologers on.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

October will bring peace and well-being to Libra. You will be more introverted this month, so your friends and acquaintances will stay away. You dive into yourself and start sorting out your priorities. An artistic soul will also awaken in you, so this period will directly encourage you to engage in activities such as painting in nature or playing a musical instrument or dancing. Exercising in the fresh air will also do you good, but be careful of getting cold, better dress properly before going out.

Horoscope Libra October 2024 – the most extensive predictions of astrologers here.


This is an emotionally extremely significant month for you. However, to dispel some illusions – the fact that it is significant does not mean that it will be light. Yes, I am aware that even in the previous period you very often went through love as “barefoot on thorns”, but whether you accepted it or not, it is simply the way it is now. A lot of things do not depend on your will and desires, so some members of this sign will face an inevitable break in the relationships they were in during this month. Let’s not scare, but let’s start in order… Your ruler Venus will suffer the bad influence of Saturn and Neptune for almost half of the month, because of which there will be a severe drop in communication in emotional relationships. This can be fueled by suspicions between you and your partner, everyday problems that somehow always come between the two of you and cause you to separate and build walls that are hard to jump over. The middle of this month will decide – whether you stay together or separate, because then are the strongest “shooting” moments when you need to be especially careful in partner relationships. We can also apply all of this to those Libras who are in marriages where the interference of “external factors” can really be felt. It is possible to discover fraud both on your side and on your partner’s side. In any case, others can greatly influence your relationship. Singles will go through this first half of the month in two ways – some will feel complete loneliness and dissatisfaction with the emotional situation, while others will enter into a relationship that is by all elements karmic in nature, and where the other party will probably be busy or significantly older than you. For love, it is best to wait for the second part of the month, when you really have a real chance to start a relationship that makes sense and can last. Do not heal yourself, it is better to wait for the right one…. Horoscope Libra October 2024 – find out what the stars have prepared for you.

Relationship horoscope

The sky is clear on your loves, forget doubts and uncertainties, love gives you a boost, before you regret not having done so, respond favorably to the call. For his part, your partner multiplies the efforts, he seduces you, manifest yourself in return on your expectations.

Astrological predictions – family

With the money it will be very good, everything will be in the best way. The money will come in plenty and that means you won’t have to worry about a thing. Especially in the last week of the month, this sign will enter a period of prosperity that will last until January. He will have a lot of savvy in business, luck in investments and gambling. The family and home will be fine. You don’t need to worry too much about them as they will go about their usual routine. Children (for those who have them) could fall in love with someone and could ask Libra for some advice. It will be funny.

Astrologers forecast – money

If you are driven by the desire to get the job of your dreams, you can take joyful initiatives this month. Luck never comes by itself, and thanks to chance, you may be presented with an opportunity. To make everything go as smoothly as possible, take some time to think it over. Go through this alone and in peace. You will make a decision without the influence of others. On the financial side, you have enough money for everyday expenses and those that cannot be reduced. On the other hand, there are still limits on what you can buy for what you don’t need. Keep your morale up because from October 24 onwards the pressure on your wallet eases.


October brings peace to Libras. This month, you will be more introverted, so your friends and acquaintances will move aside. You can get bogged down in setting priorities. The artistic soul also awakens in you, so this period directly encourages you to engage in activities such as painting in nature, playing music or dancing. Good exercise in the fresh air will also be useful, but be careful not to catch a cold; you better get dressed properly before you go out.

Financial horoscope

October will bring peace to Libra. You will become more introverted this month, so your friends and acquaintances will step aside. You will immerse yourself in making priorities. The artistic soul will also awaken in you, so this period will directly encourage activities such as painting in nature, playing a musical instrument or dancing. You will also benefit from good exercise in the fresh air, but be careful not to catch a cold; Best to dress properly before going out.

Astrological predictions – health

The month of October will bring peace to Libra. You’ll be more introverted this month, so your friends and acquaintances will fall by the wayside. You will immerse yourself in setting priorities. The artistic spirit will also awaken in you, so this period will directly encourage activities such as painting in nature, playing a musical instrument or dancing. You will also benefit from physical exercise in the open air, but be careful not to catch a cold; you’d better dress appropriately before going out.

Astrologers forecast – work

The card brings the birth of new ideas, a pleasantly sparkling way of life, or at least good encouraging news. Just looking at this card evokes dynamism, vitality, no illusions, but reality. Are you afraid that something will not work out for you? Realize that even a negative experience is an experience.


Your season has been in full swing since September 22, but if you thought it was a little chaotic, you’d be wrong. Messenger Mercury retrograde in your sign spoils plans and creates confusion, and this trend will continue until at least October 18th. Fortunately, you’re wired to go with the flow, stay calm, keep the peace, and make the most of those moments when many other signs can be totally headache-inducing. And around October 6, when the new moon falls in your sign, you can gain some nice clarity about a long-term vision. Thanks to the dense Mars presence, this won’t feel like a low-key lunar event like “make a diary about it now and something later.” Instead, you’ll take action to take steps toward your endgame STAT. Then, from November 7 to November 5, your ruler, sweet Venus, is passing through your communication zone, strengthening your ability to dream and talk to friends, loved ones, colleagues, through all the moving parts. However, towards the 20th, speaking of the people in your life, the full moon will illuminate your partnership zone and strengthen your already acute awareness of your needs, the needs of your dear friend or business partner. You’ll struggle to find a way to satisfy both, or you’ll come to some other kind of compromise that won’t leave you both feeling finished. This lesson can also act as a bridge to Scorpio season, which starts on the 23rd and brings a lot of activity to your money zone. How would you like to bring your skills to the table to maximize the return on your time and energy investment? Are you doing it in a way that feels intuitively right, or are you doing it for payday and otherwise feeling empty and unfulfilled? It’s time to give yourself the answers honestly.Libra will find their inner balance. October will be an excellent month for self-realization and the best thing to do is to take time for yourself and enjoy the time you have alone. You need to go through your thoughts and for that you need time to yourself. Being in nature would make you feel good and have an excellent effect on your mental health. In addition, you should take care of your physical health, especially your kidneys and bladder. Dress well and avoid staying outside for too long. This may not go down well with you.

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