Horoscope Libra September 2024 – astrological advice

Fair, compassionate, harmonious and intelligent Horoscope Libra September 2024 – personal forecast from astrologers on.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

September will be an energetic month for Libra. You will feel the need to change the environment, which is why you will embark with great enthusiasm on remodeling the apartment or at least on the big cleaning that you have been planning for a long time. When it comes to relationships, you will find yourself in a situation that will make you jealous. You start to feel threatened and want to fight. However, this reaction could only be harmful, so go out into nature by yourself, think about the situation, come back with a clear head and not act so impulsively. As a result, it will not be as serious as it seems.

Horoscope Libra September 2024 – the most extensive predictions of astrologers here.


After more than a month of “backtracking”, your ruler finally moves directly in the first week of September. You have cleared up some emotional situations and left the past behind. Is that right? Well, judging by the subsequent transits – it’s not. Mercury has chosen to begin its retrograde course in your personality field, and before that to make sure that you can’t push an ex out of your head as much as you thought. Is it possible that this is happening – Libras ask themselves, seeing how, despite everything that has happened so far, they send a message or dial the phone number of “that someone”. It’s not true, emotions took precedence over reason in this period, and when the brain goes crazy and a knot starts to form in the stomach – some people simply cannot be resisted. Will this who knows in which order your return to the past will make some sense or not – of course it depends only on the settings of the planets in your birth charts. I only know that in the last week of this turbulent September, some members of your sign will finally face the end of the cycle that brought you so much love, but also pain. In the meantime – those in marriages and emotional relationships have changing situations. While the first half of the month is still so good, in the second half your every word (if you don’t think about it carefully) could “stab” your partner. And it seems to me that in that period you will remember everything you went through earlier and try to shove it on your loved one’s nose. The last Sunday in particular is inconvenient, so do your best to avoid major turbulence. I only know that in the last week of this turbulent September, some members of your sign will finally face the end of the cycle that brought you so much love, but also pain. In the meantime – those in marriages and emotional relationships have changing situations. While the first half of the month is still so good, in the second half your every word (if you don’t think about it carefully) could “stab” your partner. And it seems to me that in that period you will remember everything you went through earlier and try to shove it on your loved one’s nose. The last Sunday in particular is inconvenient, so do your best to avoid major turbulence. I only know that in the last week of this turbulent September, some members of your sign will finally face the end of the cycle that brought you so much love, but also pain. In the meantime – those in marriages and emotional relationships have changing situations. While the first half of the month is still so good, in the second half your every word (if you don’t think about it carefully) could “stab” your partner. And it seems to me that in that period you will remember everything you went through earlier and try to shove it on your loved one’s nose. The last Sunday in particular is inconvenient, so do your best to avoid major turbulence. While the first half of the month is still so good, in the second half your every word (if you don’t think about it carefully) could “stab” your partner. And it seems to me that in that period you will remember everything you went through earlier and try to shove it on your loved one’s nose. The last Sunday in particular is inconvenient, so do your best to avoid major turbulence. While the first half of the month is still so good, in the second half your every word (if you don’t think about it carefully) could “stab” your partner. And it seems to me that in that period you will remember everything you went through earlier and try to shove it on your loved one’s nose. The last Sunday in particular is inconvenient, so do your best to avoid major turbulence. Horoscope Libra September 2024 – find out what the stars have prepared for you.

Relationship horoscope

Your relationship is doing great. Your deal is fine. The grievances of the past fade away. However, they can be revived at any time and for trifles! If you want to avoid these inconveniences, moderate your enthusiasm.

Astrological predictions – family

Of money the scale will be very good, everything will flow normally and the money will arrive and he won’t even have to think about it. He will feel happy because money allows him to live happily and focus on other things. The family and home will be fine. Those born under the Libra zodiac sign won’t particularly worry, because everyone will be focused on their own activities.

Astrologers forecast – money

You will attack this new school year with a firm intention to surpass yourself! But happiness never comes alone. New opportunities will appear for you to exercise your talents! It’s time to show what you’re capable of! This will get you the position, success or job you’ve been dreaming about for months. On the financial side, you may be forced to cut back on certain expenses. If this is the case, rest assured that it is only temporary. So don’t see this limitation as inevitable, but as an opportunity to get your finances back on track. It is good to invest for the long term and maintain or multiply your finances, but be careful where you invest. Think carefully beforehand and consult with a successful expert.


September will be an energetic month for Libra. You will feel the need to change the environment at home, so you will tackle home renovations with great enthusiasm, or at least do a major cleaning, which you have been planning for a long time. When it comes to relationships, you will find yourself in a situation that can cause jealousy. He begins to feel threatened and wants to fight. However, this reaction can only be harmful, so go out into nature, think about the situation so that you can come back with a clear head and not act so impulsively. The result of this will not be as serious as it seems.

Financial horoscope

September will be an energetic month for Libra. You will feel the need to change the home environment; Therefore, you will start the reconstruction of the apartment with great enthusiasm, or at least you will do a big cleaning, which you have been planning for a long time. When it comes to relationships, you will find yourself in a situation that makes you jealous. You will feel threatened, and you will want to fight. But this reaction can be just harmful, so go to nature, think about the situation, so that you can come back with a clear head and so that you do not act so impulsively. It will therefore not be as serious as it seems.

Astrological predictions – health

September will be a month full of energy for Libra. You will feel the need to change the atmosphere at home; therefore, you will start with great enthusiasm the renovation of the apartment, or at least you will do the cleaning that you have been planning for a long time. When it comes to relationships, you will find yourself in a situation where you will be jealous. You will start to feel threatened and you will have to fight. However, this reaction could also be harmful, so go out into nature, think about the situation, so you can come back with a clear mind and stop acting so impulsively. Thus, the situation will not be as bad as it seems.

Astrologers forecast – work

Let the old dysfunctional methods of work disappear, allow the birth of new forms. It will go like clockwork. Entrepreneurs should satisfy their needs, satisfy their business partners, to their full satisfaction. In this way, both sides will reach consensus. Let there be a friendly atmosphere in the workplace. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to bring a homemade cookie to your colleagues. After all, you won’t gain weight from one just like that.


Typically, Libras are known as the peacekeepers of the zodiac and you are not inclined to rock the boat. But this month, powerful energies are for you in the sky to shake up your relationships with others. When Mercury aligns with your Sun, you may feel compelled to let people know exactly how you feel about them. Try not to use difficult conversations as a way to strengthen your relationships. Previous Day Next DayLibra will just feel great in September. You will be in great shape and diseases and colds will not bother you. You will be in excellent shape, so you should not rest on this, but use it to start a sports activity. Mars will support you and give you a lot of both physical and mental energy. You will also feel its influence in terms of sexuality. Men in particular will be strongly attracted to the opposite sex. However, beware of your tendency to be aggressive in the face of rejection.

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