Horoscope Leo May 2024 – astrological advice

Leo is open and brave, full of self-confidence and self-assurance Horoscope Leo May 2024 – personal forecast from astrologers on.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

In May, family tendencies will awaken in Leos. This will be accompanied by a desire to deepen the relationship with your partner and your children. Everything else will fall by the wayside during this period and you will focus only on your family and their happiness. This will make you the perfect partner and parent. If you don’t have a family yet, this month is the perfect time to get to know each other and make more serious acquaintances. Therefore, take this opportunity, go out among people, open yourself to new experiences and be yourself, pleasant moments await you.

Horoscope Leo May 2024 – the most extensive predictions of astrologers here.


In May, you are focused on everything else except love. You gave priority to some other things and obligations. At the beginning of the month, focus on the field of the house, the home of the family (Full Moon in the 4th house). You complete everything that was imposed as an obligation in that field. Some family relationships take on a new and different form. Many of you will raise the issue of moving, real estate, settling family legacies. Disagreements with some family members are possible. Your tender and romantic side is hidden from others during this period (Venus in the 12th house from May 7). You will mostly keep your emotional feelings to yourself, and it is possible that you will resolve former issues and problems with your current partner. This is a good time to say what happened, what led to the current situation. Be careful not to exaggerate your demands for what was. Saturn, which is the ruler of your field of serious partnerships and marriage, goes retrograde in the field of love, and at the same time does not get along with Mercury and Mars. Possible wrong conclusions, communication errors, disagreement, but not because of current problems. You may think “so where is that” lucky “Jupiter? where is the happiness I expect? ” Hmmm … yes … “where is it?” Saturn does not give us until all bad hopes, empty promises are worn out. Don’t give it to you, because it protects you from further disappointments. lip service. Don’t give it to you, because it protects you from further disappointments. lip service. Don’t give it to you, because it protects you from further disappointments. Horoscope Leo May 2024 – find out what the stars have prepared for you.

Relationship horoscope

After a promising upturn, your union is about to go through a less festive period. You can win back your other half. However, if you want the magic to work, arrange to make his wishes come true instead of promising him mountains and wonders.

Astrological predictions – family

The Leo family will be very comfortable this month. Life at home will be calm and full of harmony and joys. This zodiac sign will feel embraced and pampered by everyone. She will feel happy and a more peaceful period of her life will begin, with less social life and more relaxation. The work will be able to get to the lion thanks to some of his friends and the children will be very lucky with the money. Health will be very good according to the horoscope for May 2024. Leo will have several promoting dreams this month and writing them down will be a good way for him, as they could reveal many things to him. The outdoors, walks, yoga, tai chi and bike rides will do him a lot of good and if he can afford a few massages that would be great for him.

Astrologers forecast – money

You will have few reservations in the month of May. From May 3 onwards, everything will also run smoothly, which will give you an abundance of well-being. That’s when luck begins to smile at you. Wait until May 11, which heralds the arrival of the planet Jupiter in Aries. Thanks to these good waves, that’s when the wheel starts spinning in your favor. At the end of May, Mars will come as an additional reserve for success. If you’ve been expecting a change for months, don’t worry, because your wish will come true this month! From the financial side, your stability and development depends on your decision. So before you start, listen to your intuition and be pragmatic, even if it seems boring.


In May, Leo starts thinking about family. This will be accompanied by a desire to deepen your relationship with your partner and children. During this period, you will put everything else aside and focus only on your family and their happiness. This way you will be the perfect partner and parent. If you don’t have a family yet, this month is the perfect opportunity to meet new people and make serious acquaintances. Therefore, take this opportunity, go among people, open yourself to new experiences and be yourself; pleasant moments are coming.

Financial horoscope

In May, Leo starts thinking about family. This will be accompanied by a desire to deepen the relationship with your partner and your children. Everything else during this period will fall by the wayside, and you will only focus on your family and their happiness. This will make you the perfect partner and parent. If you don’t have a family yet, this month is the perfect time to meet and make serious acquaintances. Therefore, take the opportunity, walk among people, open up to new experiences and be yourself; pleasant moments await you.

Astrological predictions – health

In May, Leo will start thinking about family. This will be accompanied by a desire to deepen the relationship with your partner and children. Everything else during this time will disappear and you will focus only on your family and their happiness. This will make your partner perfect. If you don’t have a family yet, this month is the perfect time for dating and getting to know each other. Therefore, take advantage of this opportunity, go among people, open yourself to new experiences and be yourself, pleasant moments await you.

Astrologers forecast – work

The fear, which often comes from uncertainty and fear of losing one’s job, may not be justified. Work on yourself, go deep into your soul, and above all, don’t lie to yourself. Most of the time, the person himself is to blame for these uncertain conditions. Ask yourself if you are really doing everything at work so as not to lose it.


Love, travel and education make a fabulous mix in early May as Venus changes signs to bring extroverted, exciting, optimistic energy. If you are single, this energy may herald an interesting meeting while on a journey, teaching or learning. Expanding on May 10, Jupiter enters the exploration zone of your natal chart, bringing even more joy, fun and optimism to your travel plans. However, when Mercury goes retrograde on May 10, your social life may slow down. During this period, you may need to reconsider the friendships that you have separated, especially in recent years. The Lunar Eclipse on May 16 heralds surprises or shocks at home in connection with your property or family circle. Looking back, you will see this Eclipse as a positive turning point, however, the emotional turmoil may seem very real and quite dramatic at the time. Wait there. The arrival of the Sun in your friendship zone on May 20 gives you the optimism of laughter and well-being to relieve any remaining and permanently disturbing discomfort from the Eclipse. However, be careful not to give the wrong impression at work around May 22, when Mercury retrograde returns to your natal chart’s career zone. The sign change of Mars on May 24 brings out your wanderlust and you can definitely use this energy to help you break out of a vicious circle. Meanwhile, Venus is restoring your reputation at work on May 28, and a very social New Moon on May 30 completes the month with an uplifting, friendly embrace.May can be busy for Leos, especially when it comes to family. The horoscope indicates that something may happen that will change your life. It will be a month of love; you might get some great news about someone’s marriage or pregnancy. Whether it’s you or another family member involved, don’t be afraid to enjoy yourself. Overall, this month will be full of happiness and peace for you, so you’ll tend to forget about work or school and enjoy yourself instead. of his time engaging in outdoor activities.

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